In The Citadel![]() The citadel of Our love, Our peace, and Our light, could be imagined as a place that is likened to a golden pyramid. This place is filled with the Goddess power and energy of white light and the golden light of the Father Spirit. These two energetic frequencies—of gold and white light—are your citadel, and it is the place where you are seated within this power of Our two energies combined, as your wholeness, as Our wholeness, and the Oneness of Our light. There is only perfect silence and stillness that exists here inside of Us, inside of your union within Us. There is no external thing that you have to harness, nor create. You simply sit within Us, within your mystical state of being, and allow your union with God to be fulfilled. Here, everything that you have know before begins to dissolve, and those energies disperse and are no longer a part of you or your life, any more. This is because you have so deeply surrendered to Our love, and in this, all attachment to any outside thing is no longer necessary. All that you need is contained within Us and Our power, love, and this Union. You exists here in the silence of heaven, within you, and rest within Our grace. From this vantage point—inside this temple and the bliss that you feel within Our love—you simply observe the passing tides of outward experience. You allow the gentle waves of your experience to just gently lap upon the shore, that exists on the periphery of this inner temple of Our, and your own, light. You now become the observer of your existence, because you have surrendered all need to control or determine how things should be or should flow for you, in your existence and in your life. You see that you have no need for anything other, anything else, than Our love, that exists inside of you, and through this you know great peace. Your physical, emotional, and spiritual existence, you know, exists inside of Us, and you deeply know that everything rests in Our hands. So, if the external "goes well" then you remain neutral and rest within your center of peace. If the external "does not go so well"—in terms of how this world would define it—then similarly, you simply rest in Our peace. You know that the tide of events and experience, the influx and outflow of what you are receiving and experiencing in your life, is ever-changing and therefore unstable, because that is the nature of this temporal world. You are not disturbed by these externals, because you know your existence, including your Self, is not defined by this outer-rim. You exist and have alignment to the internal world of Our peace, Our loving, and your own light—that is held constant within Us, within Our love, always. You are the conscious breath that fills all life and light inside of you, and you create from an inner realm of energy, from within a realm of light, and what you are creating there is peace and a deep connection to Our love. You live for love's sake, and this divine love is an internal reference point that gives rise to the expression of who you are. This experience would not be what this world would understand, for what this world seeks is love's derivatives in outward forms, and this inevitable fails, in a world where form and everything within form has a temporal existence. To try to make constant that which is inconstant, is a futile attempt by separation-consciousness to make itself safe through "separation" forms—which includes everything external to you, in your life. The only need that you have, that you all have, is to succumb to the beauty inside of you. You need only to succumb to the love-filled place within, where the constant of Our love, and your deep experience within that love, is always known. Within this place you find eternal peace, that is constant in this domain, within this temple of silence that is Our center of love. So, you sit here within the cascading light of the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine, that surrounds and fills you. You feel this, you feel Us embrace everything that is you. Through Our love We show you everything that is real, that is truth, and that is of love. You rest and relax completely within Our combined energy and loving, and every part of you comes home to Us, and all lack, need, want, and longing ceases. As you exist in this restful state of Our unlimited peace, the light of heaven fills you and you are seen as the truth that you are. You therefore come to see yourself in a new way. You become peace. You are this silence through which the wave of Our energy moves and stirs in you an awakening to Our truth. You may also eventually be awakened to how you might serve the collective, from this state of silence and peace, although this is certainly not given priority—your union within Our love IS what is important. This calling will not come as a cue to jump into action, of doing and creating on the outside, because you know and fully embrace that all is consciousness, all is energy, and everything flows from within this place of consciousness and light, within the citadel of love's center. You are, however, stirred in moments, within this flow, to give expression to yourself in some way; in other words you are moved to share your light. You are stirred through your heart's moment-to-moment desire, to make fluid the light expression inside of you, and with gentleness and guidance, you are stirred to take an action that comes from grace and emerges from love. Such action just flows from this center of your existence within love. There may also be guidance that arises, as something on the periphery moves onto your life-stage of experience, and through this an opportunity to serve arises—the opportunity to be of service in some way, or to someone, becomes evident. Again, there is no "seeking it out," or "getting" on your part, to bring this about. The opportunity occurs as a gradual flow of someone or something that appears upon the shore of the periphery, and you are thus called to give your focus to that. In that moment, you bring your focus of presence, within love, to that person or activity, and you become a conduit for Our love and Our light in that place. And, as all things pass as swiftly as they arise, then inevitably any given opportunity or event will eventually flow away on the ever-changing tide of your experience. This is why attachment to anything that comes your way, is deterred. As you return to your center of peace and loving, you again realize that there is nothing outside of you that you need—as everything is found, and provided, from within Our light. There are, however, opportunities for you to be of service to the light, by allowing Our love to flow through you in consciousness, word, or deed, because that is how love arises. A surge of love arises within you that crescendos out to this world, in service or through creative self-expression, and you let it flow and then let it go, without attachment to outcome or result. Love, in its various expressions, knows its own way and what it wants, it knows what its pathway is, and this love needs to not be diluted by need or agendas—as such things do dilute its effectiveness, and then its power dissipates. So, be a guardian of your light and remain in this sweetness of Our love and power. Let "cause" or intention always be of love, that is flowing through you with its own intention and wisdom. The best thing that you can do is to surrender, and simply allow this presence that is Our love, and your love, to flow and go its own way and be in its unique expression in each moment. On a personal note, on a personal level, as you sit within this center of Our loving and receive there, in the full consciousness that is light, your intention will naturally come from love, as you are so full of love and recognize that nothing more in needed. In this place of love's presence, you may see, envision, or notice certain pictorial images and forms that begin to take shape, as events that may emerge and come into being. This may be because you are becoming the observer of the eternal presence of consciousness, that comes to be shown as potential future events in consciousness and in light. They are not tied to this world, as they exist in energetic form—in consciousness—only, in that moment, so they are fluid and may change, because everything that is Our consciousness is the fluid alchemist's (energetic) gold. Should you see such possibilities on the event-horizon, of possible outcomes, then you observe them, along with everything else, without attachment. Although, more often than not, Our guidance comes through the consciousness of each moment, where the potential of Our light in the moment is always given, it is necessary, sometimes, for more direction to be given. We may point you towards the star of some future possibility that can hep to direct your energy in this day or moment. This is helpful for you, at times, to help you in your creator-ship within heaven and to call forth that which your soul is destined to share in this world—as Our light expression and your light and love expression. However, such visions are simply to point the way; they are, and can be, ever-changing, as consciousness and light energy is fluid, and so expectation or attachment placed on such future events is discouraged, as attachment pulls you out into the periphery experience of reality—that is based on the illusion of getting, wanting, or needing. Such external focus, if you fixate or attached to it, pulls you out of the citadel and divine center of being, for it implies that something is needed or necessary on the outside for your being, and this simply is not true. All is suppled right here—within Our light—, and who you are and all that you are is filled and fulfilled within Our Divine presence inside of you. So, be the observer of what occurs outside of you, in your present life or in these future visions. Know that such visions are simply a reflection of the God Goddess' center within you, that merges with you and then projects Our light and your light consciousness out into the external of the world, which creates these future possibilities. Such manifestations of Our light and your own light, in this world, occurs, in part, so that it might contribute to the collective consciousness, through the inspiration and love of souls like you—who may choose to act as conduits for the light of Our heaven on this earth. That light may be received by this world and those souls who are, as yet, unable to consciously access this light within themselves, and so they may receive Our light—in the form of healing, guidance, and loving—through conduits like you, who show them the way and point them towards the discovery of the light within themselves. Such a path of service is not a requirement, it is simply a choice. You are always complete within your being, you are already enough just as you are, and there is no other thing that you have to be, to fulfill the majesty that is you. Through such completeness, however, there will be a natural tendency to want to express your being and to share your love, for that is love's nature: to be fluid like a river flowing to those places that also need to receive. Even as this fullness, Our fullness, exists in you, as you, you may feel inspired to share your light, and to let the cup of your fullness, of heaven's light, spill over and through you into this world. That is the reality of your light. What will be and come into being, through your action, love, and truth, however, bears no importance, in contrast to the centering of love within you and maintaining your center within Our eternal peace. This is so important, because it is from this place of serenity and peace that your existence rests and from which everything, that is Our creation, arises through you. So, to stay clear in this focus allows for the greatest and purest reflection to come into this world, and rest on the periphery of your life, that moves around you in the ever-changing range of possibilities. Of course, this does not account for the variability of energies that do come to your shore—that depicts the variability of energy consciousness in this world of other's thinking, reality, and behavior. But, within this citadel of your peace, you simply become the silent observer of all else that passes outside of this center—where you are maintained in state of grace and where your existence within this internal world of Our light and Our love always rests. Blessed Be. |
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