Chalice Of Unconditional Love![]() As you empty yourself, surrender yourself, to Our love—of your Mother Father Spirit,—then you become clear and all that you have known before is cleared. It becomes washed away on the stream of an old reality and existence that you have known, but that no longer applies because you NOW have love. You can cease in applying and comparing yourself, your life, and existence to what has been before, to what you have thought yourself to be, because it no longer applies. It is irrelevant and is no longer truth for you, and has never been the truth about you, for what you are and have always been IS LOVE.
The old stage of consciousness falls so that a new existence can be born, and this is born through your truth, your true Self that is born of love and has innocence. Always you have had innocence because your true Self, your true nature, is innocent and complete in its loving and lovability. So let the lies falls, that that which was born out of falsehood and imprinted on your being as a lie about you; let it all fall away, so that you may be renewed within God's peace, within Our loving, and this light of Our truth of you, now and forever more. Then, there is no need for self-questioning at all, there is no longer any need to reflect on or consider yourself at all, because the answer to this, to you and to any action that you bear, is always: that you are love and held in innocence, and so all and any self-consciousness in this way is unnecessary. All awarenesses of your Self is given and arises in the moment, through love, and so you become as a river flowing within Our power, and your own god goddess Selfhood. You rest upon this, simply knowing this in each instant, and through knowing this love, knowing that you are love, then you can rest within peace always. Whatever erroneous distortions or energies that remain will be simply lifted into peace, into Our truth, through Our loving. As you simply open your cup of consciousness, of your feelings and your heart, you allow yourself to be filled within this Chalice of Our love, and through this you are made brand-new. There is nothing very much that you have to do here, as all other processing has occurred on the various level of your being and consciousness so that you could open to this point of receiving, of deeply receiving Our love—which is of course the love of divine grace that fills you and that is unconditional for you all the time. You only need to sit within Our peace, Our golden light, and loving and receive, and let grace lift you into a new state—of being present within your innocent and love. You only need be still and know that I AM love, I am this grace that is filling you ever-so gently and lovingly washing you clean, and through this grace you are healed. Through grace the cup of consciousness—of old reality—is cleared and lifted. As this occurs you come into the Sun of the grace of Our loving, you come into My garden of light and unconditional loving and are there held steady within this truth that I—your Holy Mother—bring to you now. I offer to you the Chalice of My love that is never empty, that is always filled with the loving of My heart that is imparted to you in each moment, as you open to receive and allow yourself to be filled with My love. I speak from this voice of the Divine feminine, in this regard, because I am the grace of receiving, I am the Mother of All-giving, I am the receptive component of the God force that lies within you. So, I address this, in this way, so that you can know this and be imprinted by a new image of unconditional loving in its receptive, giving, nurturing quality, so that you can receive from this image of Me, as your Mother, as your unconditional all-giving Divine Mother and open in your reception to this, to this love, and to All that I would give to you in this way. Of course, this love is given to you through the Divine masculine, the Divine Father Spirit as well, for We are ONE. We are a part of each other as We exist inside of you, inside of All things. However, when your cup is empty, when your emotional need is so great it is to the feminine that your must turn to meet the primary needs of your selfhood. You need to be filled with the most basic and primal force of loving that your most basic human self structure needs the most: to feel absolute oneness within this safe eternal womb. This spiritual womb feeds you and holds you safe within it, in the utmost way, and thus fills and fulfills the most basic primary instinct that you have, which is this need for oneness, union, and merging. This need is part of your self, this infant self, that needs to be received in this way. Once this place is filled, is reach by My love, received, and opened to My Divine Feminine Spirit then WE can turn towards other things that are a part of fulfilling this Self, that is your eternal being. The Answer, to everything, is to turn within to this Source of My, of Our, loving, and there in this sacred place ALL of your needs (on every level of your being, life, and reality) will be met. The answer is to turn to this cup of heaven within and fill this Chalice of your being with Our love, with Our light, and with Our reality, and you will be filled in every other way. Turn from this illusion once and for all—that your needs would be met in the external, in some way—and let that reality crumble and die, as it is dying now anyway. Let this truth be the reality that you live by: that you are sustained, you are ONLY sustained through Our love. This Chalice is filled by the ocean of Our love and infinite being that is found within you, and in every way I shall meet your need, your emotional and physical needs and well-being, for I AM your Mother Father Spirit, and I have dominion over ALL things that are within you and this world that you inhabit. So blessed be. * The Mother Spirit's Teachings include the necessary part of this Self-Realization process, including healing the emotional body/inner child and finding peace through non-attachment. ~The Mother Spirit's Teaching |
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