In Another WorldThere is one sound of love that exists inside of Us and within you. It is to this sound that everything else must return, to return to its true oneness of origin inside of you. As this exists, as this occurs, you notice old reality folding in on itself; it collapses because it cannot be upheld any more, now that it is recognized as false. Its essence, the essence of love and of truth that exists within it, does return to this center, this core of truth of Our love inside of you, so that it can be born on an new level and be only the expression of the love of its origin, of your origin and truth.
So, everything dies to be born again on this new level, in this new way. The old falls away and its reality collapses into Our arms of love, even as, as we have said, its love and its essence remains. It arises again in ways that give expression to its beauty on your path, in light-filled ways, from this purity of love inside of you. This is a time for your soul to learn that these old ways cannot work any more, they can no longer operate inside of you—as they have existed within a false reality. Your soul knows this and this is why she, and you, are willing to give them up. In so doing, you surrender so deeply to Us, to Our love, so that what was born of falsehood, or held on the basis of an old reality, can fold and return to this Source of Our love and your own true essence. Then, what remains inside of you IS only light, is only the truth that you hold as your constant upon the new pathways that you are now following. As this occurs these gifts of your light may gleam in their brightness, as a reflection of the light inside of you; these gifts and your sharing have awaited their appointed time to shine out and illuminate the energy field of your surround, at the time when you were ready for that to occur—based on the new- foundation of your love and truth. Your soul recognizes the illusion of this old world, of the illusion of form. Your soul knows that nothing exists out there on the periphery, and knows that the world of form itself is an illusion, just as the world you have known rests on this illusion also. Therefore, you know that there is nothing that you have to "get" from this world of form, and the imprisonment that such an illusion has bound you to, begins to fall away. You allow it to fall, knowing that it is not truth for you at all, and that it only anchors you to a field of reality and energetic world that is filled with hardship and pain—that relying on a world of emptiness and separation consciousness, that has only experienced an absence of light and truth, inevitable creates. You have come to this truth as you have walked those pathways that have been seen, by you, for the emptiness that they are, for the illusion they perpetuate. You have walked these ways of the world and found that they have naught to offer you at all. And so with each experience you have turned toward that which is truth, that which is Our truth inside of you, and have seen ONLY this as real, ONLY this as sustaining you, and so you have come home. You have turned from this world, that could not uphold you, and have turned towards that which can sustain and uphold you in every way, and that is always going to be Our love, Our essence, Our truth inside of you. You come now to live in this "other world" of Our love. You come to feel, breathe, and know this inside of you in each moment; you come to exists within Us, in Our fullness within you. You come to rely on Us and nothing else, because you do truly and deeply know that there is only Our light, there is only Spirit. There is only Our presence inside of you, Our light that is All-That-Is, that exists, and that is all. So, you come to surrender to Our light, to Our love within you. You come to be the swan gently swimming, resting, being, upon the tide of Our light. You are embraced in the Mother's arms, just as you are embraced within your Divine Father's arms, and you are laid down within Our light. Your momentary experience exists inside of Us, and in each moment the tide of Our love moves you onward, forward, into the greater expansion of your being and field of energy within Our love. You exists only for love, through Our love that exists for you in this way, in this inner world of Our light. The periphery IS no longer important, for you do exist in another world, in Our world of infinite, eternal, loving and light—as you know this is ALL that exists for you now. You become veiled to that other world of false reality. You see it, observe it, and may even interact with it in some way, but you see it as an illusion, like a dream. Your focus remains, and will always remain, in touch with the inner realm of Our loving and truth. The world of reality that exists for others, and the external world, remains on the outer rim, beyond the veil of Our truth and reality for you. You remain centered, always, within Us, within this other world. This spiritual world is of course available to All, to everyone, but it is often shrouded in a mist of illusion, for those operating within separation consciousness. The false reality cannot see beyond the mists into the world of truth, until such a time where love is called forward to awaken and to shatter the illusions of form, of falsehood, of duality. So here you remain in another world, awakened to Our presence of loving for you, awakened to Our light, and this heaven that exists inside of you. This heaven is you, as you open to this energy field of Our loving more completely in every way. You are called to this now, to walk within this other world and to live out your existence there, for eternity, within the heaven of Our blissful loving and Our light. You, on occasion, touch into this world of form and old reality, to tend to those held in loveleness and pain. However, your voice calls out from within the light of heaven, expressing the love and truth that you have found, to all those who have ears to hear the spiritual call: to awaken and to come home into love. We guide you in all of those ways of your pathway of light, and in your moment-to-moment experience. So blessed be. |
Additional Teachings