Centering Within The LightThe way to the light, and the way of the light, IS very simply, it is the way of love. This begins of course with self-love, but even We are a part of that love for yourself. The way to deepen inside of love—Ours' or your own—is to allow stillness, to allow quietness, by turning within and connecting with the essence of Our light that is here and exists at your center. You can begin to make this connection in the following, very simple, way: Centering (Exercise) Simply close your eyes and turn your focus within, to your energetic heart center, or soul center of the solar plexus, and begin to breathe, and ask to open to, and to feel, that there is love here in this place inside of you. It is a love that fills the whole universe, and it is a love that fills you. You only have to breathe with it and rest your focus within your body centers, as described, to feel Our love and warmth within you. It is like coming to a hearth of a fire, a loving light-filled fire, or sun, inside of you. It is the well of Spirit, the love of the infinite embrace of Spirit, Our embrace of you. You can visualize it too, if you want to, but the main point of this exercise is to FEEL it. Let it vibrate within your being, drink deeply from its well of loving warmth, and feel its presence within you. That is all that you have to do to fill yourself with its love and make your initial connection to the Spirit, to your Spirit which is intrinsically connected to Our Spirit of unconditional love. There is nothing outside of this that you truly need, it is All that you need, and as you allow this very simply exercise, daily, then you simply allow its magic to begin to work inside of you, with an eventual mirroring of its power of transformation occurring outside of you in your life. But, first things first. It is so important that you drink from this Source of love, energy, and light within, because it is this that makes all-else possible. Don't even think of it, because thought carries you off into the sphere of conditioned reality and consciousness. Instead, simply feel this vibrancy of Source, in your body-feeling center. It is possible to do so by simply placing your focus inside of you, dropping down into the feeling centers within your body, and leave the mental operations of thought and thinking (of mind) behind. Drop out of thought, down from thought, into the feeling centers and you will "fall" into love, into the depths of love, and there you will be stilled in the quietness of Spirit's love, of Our love, that is here for you all the time. Blessed be. * The Mother Spirit's Teachings include the necessary part of this Self-Realization process, including healing the emotional body/inner child and finding peace through non-attachment. ~The Mother Spirit's Teachings |
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