To Thine Own Self Be True![]() You exist within the pure perfection of love, of God Goddess. You have always been this, perfectly formed in your God Self image inside of you. You are here to be that, in all of its uniqueness and beauty, and even as you are a part of the oneness of all things, you are also a unique soul whose has been given a pathway to follow. You are here to follow your heart's choices, centering in those things that hold resonance for you and walking away from that which does not make your soul and heart sing. You are the unique expression of God, of Us, as this moves through you. Regardless of the stories of others or this world, you were never meant to fit or have to fit into the preexisting reality that exists out there, in this conditioned world reality. So, regardless of your difference from others, you are and always are meant to follow your truth, and to your own Self be true. You are part of something far greater than this temporal world—with its idea of what is right and what you should be doing and expressing as a being on this planet. You are a part of the great All, the universal fabric of existence; you exist there along side all of those who have gone before you, and this collective are all of those awakened souls who have come to the truth in their own way, just as you are awakening to the truth in your own way. You exist as a part of this Universal realm of higher mind and awakened beings, just as you exists inside of Us, your Mother Father God in heaven. Heaven is this realm of a far greater reality, that even now you may only be experiencing a glimpse of. You are a part of All of this, this realm of Our light where your guardians and guides—helpers and teachers in Spirit—also exist, and they are here to help you to understand the new pathway that you walk, as an awakened soul existing within heaven—within the reality of All-That-Is. You have walked this path before, just as other souls have explored this terrain of awakening. We mention this to you, not for you to give importance to what you have done or been before but We simply wish for you to know that within you, within your soul, is the memory of this terrain. Deep inside of you is the memory of "the way," the way of walking within your light amidst a reality that does not see the light, and does not understand it at all. You have embedded within you all the realities that have existed on this earth plane, as you also have encoded within you all the truth that Spirit affords—that you have learned as you have walked this pathway in different existences and realms of existence, including your incarnations on earth. You have such wisdom to give, that has emerged from the various existences that you have lived. The periphery experiences of these lifetimes have been placed in the melting pot of the spiritual alchemist inside of you, and what is left, when the periphery of consciousness (of untruth) melts away, is your wisdom. The True Self is awakened in each lifetime, however, the experience of how this is awakened and the time that it takes you, of course, varies. The seeds of truth and the remembrance of the pathway is encoded in your soul; this inner wisdom then guides you in your incarnation experience. Such soul remembrance and encoding explains why you would feel a resonance for certain things, that have been a part of your pathway in other existence and other lives. The detailing of such lives, to form a self-identity around this, is not important. The past does not matter and does not truly exists. However, the encoding of truth in your consciousness does exists, and this remains within you as part of your consciousness. This truth is a part of your wisdom, that each soul has and is here to share. This truth arises from the diversity of the pathways you have traveled and the wisdom you have learned as a result of this. You ancient ones, guides, and teachers of Spirit are here to blend their wisdom within your own, because they have wisdom to share based on the pathways they have traversed. This can help you as you follow "the way," the pathway of transmuting all into light; this pathway incorporates overcoming this world, with its false premise about you and about how things should be. You truth is the light inside of you that gives you direction in each moment. It is a truth that holds feeling resonance for you, and as we have said, it guides your choices in terms of what you might gravitate towards and that which you no longer want or wish for. This truth, as you follow it, sets you free, because this truth is your soul awareness speaking to you; it speaks through your feelings and heart and it is showing you the way. Your soul, the indwelling spirit laid within your feeling centers, holds the roadmap, so to speak. Your soul—and its truth—knows the way, it has been encoded within you. Your soul knows the journey, from the numerous and vast journeys it has taken to awaken the Self, along with the experience of being a conduit for awakening others. This soul truth and encoding of your wisdom, therefore, knows what has to happen for your awakening to occur. It consciously and unconsciously has always guided to those experiences that could provide you with the greatest opportunities for awakening to love. These experiences have assisted you in opening to the remembrance of the truth inside of you: that you are only light, that you are of God, and this truth never changes as it is a part of the sanctity of your Selfhood, that exists within the Divine and Our love. In each existence you ascend your personal spiral of growth and evolvement. No journey is the same, just as no path of awakening is the same for individual souls. Each ascent on the spiral of each journey/lifetime on this physical realm permits you to take what you have learned, that has been encoded within you, and then to allow for an acceleration of that process for you in you present existence and life. This information, of Self and your soul journey and encoding, may help you to understand your journey and how this has been devised in such a way that is suitable for you, as a soul, and is unique to you. It can, at times, also help you to understand your difference, so that you can fully embrace this difference and truth, even as you may, at times, find it challenging to be present in a world that feels as though it holds so little resonance for you. However, all are a part of the whole and equal in their inheritance of this light. You are part of this great collective of the light, and there are many, both in this world and in the Spirit world, who speak the same truth and who understand "the way." Through your communion with these Ancient Ones—spiritual guides and teachers—you can be guided, and you can find comfort in the truth that there are others who have walked this way before you, on this earth plane, and their words, literature, and stories can be the company that you now keep. * The Mother Spirit's Teachings include the necessary part of this Self-Realization process, including healing the emotional body/inner child and finding peace through non-attachment. ~The Mother Spirit's Teaching |
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