Center Of The SunLiving within this center, your center of the Sun, disperses all other energies that have been before. To live within, and succumb to, this light, this powerful presence within you, is to recognize that All else no longer holds truth or meaning for you; it belongs to an old reality that no longer applies. And so you come now to live within this Sun, Our center of the Divine Sun, that shines and illuminates your being, and that touches your soul and Self so deeply that nothing else applies, any more. You live within this new existence, that is arising within you, just as the Sun rising to meet your new Self in each day. You may look upon the pathways you have traversed, to reach this Center, of this pivotal Divine moment, and see that those pathways were most surely just a means to an end. They existed only to bring you to this point, to this glorious shining center that is your being, that now exists within Our being so completely and fully that all else quite literally dissolves. You are embedded within a new reality, that serves to support you and sustain you in every way. You live within its light, and it is blissful and so filled with Our love. You may have compassion, of course, for those living in the old reality, and you know they too are following the pathway that they need, to bring them to this point. This loving Sun-filled presence exists within everyone, and all are equal in their inheritance of this light. You, however, have reached this pinnacle. You have surrendered all else, through the willingness to leave all else and all others behind, so that you could open wide your wings and fly into the Sun of Our light and the God Goddess Self within. In this, you are now so fully realized. You come into this Sun, knowing that within its presence your self dissolves, but your true Self is not lost, rather, you become even more fully All that you are. Your identity shifts and changes so that you become one with Our light. Then, all that you see, and all that remains, is this light shining inside of you. You become lost to a world and a false sense of self that has been, in order to become found within Our truth and this brilliance of Our light that shines through you and is you, in every way. You are recognized, by yourself, only as this light, and within its presence all past limitation and falsehood dissolves. You are this truth, this light that shines through you, as you. And in this, you can expect miracles, within your Self being and your expression. You see, there are no longer any barriers, or internal censors, holding you back, holding back this truth and its beauty inside of you, for you have no longer any need to "fit into" this world and therefore hide what is the truth within you, in order to "fit" in this way. You are of innocence, you are of the light, and as this Sun, you simply shine. You are here simply to shine and let the love through, the love that is your eternal being that is infinite and God-filled, love-filled. You shine like the sun, sharing your "light existence" wherever you go, as it is present in your being, as your being, always. Your gifts of your true Self begin to flourish and open, and so, you do indeed begin to shine in the luminescent rays of your being. There is no limitation in this, there is no limitation at all. You are the Sun, and so you shine in this unselfconscious way, as you have acceptance and love for your Self, for the completeness of your light-Self being. You identify only with this. Most of all, you exist within the deepness of Our being and you see no distinction between your light and Our light being. We are one, we are in union, and you are in love, in the completeness of Our loving being. You are sustained in a childlike innocence, that looks upon Our Sun and plays before it, in the sunshine of your daily life. You trust completely, without any question of your self and your worthiness within Us, without any question as to your sustainment, protection, and security within this love, Our love, that is ever-present and always shining. You are free to simply know that I AM the God Self within you, just as I am the sustaining force that exists within you and all things. I am the completeness of you, as you exist within the completeness of Our love, of the Mother Goddess and your Father Spirit. * * * * You simply exist within the center of the Sun, and are open to many new adventures that this new level of reality affords. As a spiritual adventurer, with the old existence and preoccupations of that reality now over, you are free to sail within the freedom of that Spirit within you, that Spirit that you now are fully realized in, as your being. You walk the pathways of Spirit, learning from the elders of that spiritual plane—that has become more real to you than anything of the physical world, that you inhabit. You walk with these Spirits, who like you have traversed that "other" reality. Even as you still live in your physical being, the nonphysical becomes much more the arena of your play and your Self discovery. You also commune deeply with the Mother Goddess and I, your Father Spirit. You come to Us, and We become your Divine family, your eternal loving parents. We reassure you that you never walk alone, for We are with you always, as you walk the highways and byways of the spiritual world, that exists within Us, that exists within you. You continue to exist in the physical realm, because as you commune more deeply with Us, and these light-realms, this experience offers and provides many "riches" that are the fruits of heaven. Such fruits of your spiritual experience move through you, move into your heart, through this deep love-filled, light-filled communion with the Sun of Our God light. As you taste the nectar of this place, of this place where there is only light, then this light enters your human embodiment—which means it moves into the presence of your heart and divine consciousness and bears its gifts, its wisdom, and its truth through you, in all the ways that would bring you joy through the expression of your being. You become a light bearer, as these fruits of Spirit move through you in many new and joyous ways, because the arena of your gifts and abilities have expanded to be like the god goddess that you are, that emerges as you enter into Our light being, this center of the Sun. There are many realms that exist beyond the physical realm, and as a spiritual adventurer you are now free to travel such realms in your internal existence, of communion with Our light and the sphere of Spirit. You also continue to enjoy and inhabit the physical sphere of existence. All are one and All is a part of Our Spirit, Our light, and truth. So, you play and walk in both spheres, existing in both realms at once, and this affords the benefit of bringing that which is of one sphere into the other sphere. You are here to bring heaven to earth, in this way, and see the Spirit of the earth and the Spirit that is Our heaven as ONE, in its completeness and its joy. This is a great adventure, into the unfamiliar—relative to your old existence. Even as this is unknown to you, your Spirit is free to roam, to dance, and to play in this existence that walks between the differing worlds of reality, the differing worlds of the physical and nonphysical alike. Because you have love, you are free to dance and play within the Sun and to exist in all realms, while most of all living and expressing your being through the Sun that is Our love and Our light. You are free to play as a child, as you live under the Sun, and exist within the mantle that is Our love. So, blessed be. Amen. |
Additional Teachings