When you cup is so full, of Our love, you find that there is nothing outside of you, and Us, that you need. This dissolves the idea of need and longing, even in terms of personal and familial relationships. The projection of Our idealistic love is no longer placed onto external forms, and this includes the ideas of seeking that one "perfect" love in another person. You recognize this longing as truly the need for deep communion and union inside of Us, the sacred masculine and feminine. Our Spirit serves as both Mother and Father & relationship partner—with the ecstatic bliss that you would feel through this sense of love-filled union, within Us.
This spiritual union transcends the need for communion of ecstasy that is met through physical union. Instead, this sexual energy is raised, as the coiled Kundalini serpent rising, into the upper energetic centers or spheres of higher consciousness, and this communion with Our love then moves as waves of loving bliss throughout your being and body. Love then becomes a light-filled communion within Us. As you experience this more fully, all other forms of love, bliss, and ecstasy, that were once externalized or thought could only be met through physical form, are deferred to this completeness of union within Us, that you experience as Our loving.
As this Divine union occurs, the pursuit of external fulfillment through another, through others, is seen as an illusion—the illusion that "love" can only be met and fulfilled by another person. This then frees you to see yourself, experience your Self existence, in a new way. What this means is that you feel totally filled; you already have a "full cup" of Our love, that is meeting your need in every way. This completely changes the dynamic of personal relating, for you. You see that you are already fulfilled; you feel that to have the company of others, or not have the companionship of others, is not so important, as this does not change your internal experience of being—that is so full of love already and is, therefore, completely free.
On this Self-level, your ways of relating changes. You are freed to be in relation to others, uncluttered by the emotional patterning of the past, as you no longer see them as a necessity for your well-being, happiness, and life. (It is the emotional NEED that drives such patterns and keeps them operating in your consciousness.) Even relationships that are heavily imprinted, such as with family relationships, become liberated. You can love them through the unconditional loving that you have found within your Self, through Our love, without needing anything from them. You relate to them through Our ascended love and without attachment; you relate to others from a "full cup" place, inside of you. Through this form of loving, you are no longer triggered or effected by previous imprinted ways of relating to others. You are free to love them no matter what they say or do, give or do not give you, all the while maintaining your sacred connection to yourself. You also naturally maintain your boundaries and self-care through Self-love.
Such an experience of fullness within Our love and light, where every need is already met and fully realized, means that you are free to be in joy. You are free to enjoy others, relating to them and be in their company, without being effected, at all, by the content of their consciousness and ways of relating to you. Other's energy and point of view, positive or negative, is as waves that simply break upon the shore of your light Self being, and this does not invade the sacredness of your inner space and the rock of love upon which you stand. You are, therefore, free, at last, to be in relation, without need and without attachment. You have thus circumnavigated and transcended the "way of the world" in this regard, in the realm of personal relationships. You are therefore free to enjoy your interactions with others, without fear or concern for the old imprinted world that you operated within before you found love—within Us and inside of yourself.
Personal Relationships
Just as this new way of relating applies to deeply imprinted relationship, such as family of-origin relationships, this way of relating also applies to current personal interactions, with friendships and with those whom you might choose as partners.
On this new level, you take the stance of "I already have a full cup" in your approach to all relationships. As such, you may find that your arena of having personal relationships radically changes. You may choose to be fluid, free and noncommittal in this personal arena of your life, and to live in the moment of your experience. Such a choice may occur because the conduit of Our love is so complete for you, that you may feel you need no-one, at all, to be with, in the more traditional relationship sense.
You may taste the nectar of another's company, and you may stay with them for a while—a day or a moment—while remaining free to flit and fly and go where you will, at any given time. Of course, this would be difficult for another to understand, who is not living within this level of divine consciousness, and this way of being may invite all sorts of misinterpretations and distortions from the "way of the world" reality. But, this does not matter, for the truth of your being, the truth of your light, always maintains you, and the truth is that you are free, you are pure, and living within the God Goddess Self within you. You exist within Our love, and you have found that there is nothing outside of yourself that you need. You may wish only to be free to fly, to be present in each moment, and to live each day as it comes, unhindered and untethered by anything or anyone else.
Your wish to be untethered in this way, if this is the choice that you make for yourself, is unlikely to mean that you would be sexually promiscuous and be "untethered" in this way. Your sense of sacredness of your own light, wishing to honor the purity of the energy within you and keep yourself energetically clear of other's energetic field, would probably deter you from desiring or choosing such a sexual preference.
If you choose to live in this "free spirit" nonattached way, you may find that rather than finding ecstasy through physical sexual union, you instead experience ecstasy through your divine union. You find bliss through the love and ecstasy that you find within Our love, in your consciousness. This, for you, will surpasses the physical form of union, that will seem just a glimmer (a diluted mirroring) of the loving blissful union that is found within Us.
To live in this way is not a spiritual requirement, nor is this choice based on any old conditioned ideas of spiritual abstinence of carnal desired, that are moralistically based. We do not judge the desire for sexual pleasuring, with another or with yourself. We celebrate your joy in all of its forms. We simply outline here what some of you may experience, and choose, as you come into deeper communion and union with Us and your light.
The Impact of Attachment
As you light frequency increases and you become more sensitized to energies, you will recognize that attachment in any form, emotional or physical, greatly pulls you out of your center and into the periphery world of energy. You may also discover that as you have become a highly sensitized being, due to your increased opening to the energetic light-spheres within you, that attachment opens the door of your consciousness to the energy of whatever, and whomever, you may attach to. This would, therefore, make it difficult for you to remain clear, in your energetic centers, while being in attachment, in this way.
Form (physical form/matter) is an illusion; it does not create a barrier of physical or energetic separation from others. All is energy, and all energy is connected, regardless of physical distance. Therefore, whether you have an attachment that is purely emotional or whether your attachment includes a sexual exchange of energy (and an exchange of consciousness does occur through the sexual act) you will open the door to another's consciousness and energy. Through attachment you merge your consciousness and energy with others. It is the "need" that is fundamental to attachment, that allows others energy into your personal energetic and emotional space, and this is something to consider when you are selecting a partner, or any form of attachment relationship. This information is why some of you may prefer to remain unattached, in the ways that We have described.
(You may have various forms of relationships to others and remain unattached emotionally and therefore clear--energetically--as you maintain your completeness of love within Us, as your Source of loving.)
As you find and fully experience a deep level of communion and connection within Us, feeling the fullness and completeness within Our love, then, paradoxically, relationships simply become a playground for your light and expression of joy and loving, (just like anything else that you engage in the periphery, that you are not attached to). These periphery experiences do not define you, you do not need them, and thus you do not identify with them at all, but you may, when and if you choose, allow them to be an arena of play for you. You engage with them, while also allowing yourself to disengage from them when you choose and when you feel the calling to return to the silence, to the stillness of Our loving, in your eternal heart where all of your need is met.
So blessed be.
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