Expanding Your Capacity To ReceiveChanneled by The Divine Mother & Father Spirit.
Introduction {We are all in the process of shifting out of an old, externally based, paradigm and view of existence and reality, where we see that which we receive, and wish for, as extending from something outside of ourselves—and that something supplies our need. Instead, we are being offered the opportunity to see that everything extends from, and is created through, our light consciousness and the consciousness of God within us—this truth is God-Self reality.} By Rev. Sally Jordan Austin. Channeling Even as you find your self in alignment with this truth, of receiving Our presence of love and in realizing how all-encompassing Our loving presence truly is, there are residual aspects from your conditioning and experiencing in this life that are held in separation from this truth. This conditioning acts as a filter to Our loving, and this filter is the result of what you have experienced on the earth plane, throughout your life. This conditioned self-aspect has so longed for love and yet finds it hard to fully have acceptance that Our love is here, and is everything that you need and the only thing that you will ever need. It is difficult, at times, for this conditioned self to fully believe that everything lives within you, and is fulfilled through this internal experience of receiving Our light. In part, the difficulty of embracing this truth arises from the habit and conditioning of always going outside of yourself for what you need, and from believing that what is outside of you defines you and fills you, and fulfills your life in its entirety. Your resistance also emerges as you move in and out of the God-Self reality and back into the preexisting reality, that has been your predominant experience. This conditioned reality will have you question at times the truth that has been given, and as you move out of higher consciousness and your experience of Our loving, and move back into your lives, such questioning and doubting of Our truth, and your own internal All-One-Ness experience, will inevitably occur. You see, it is frightening for you to trust in and to fully believe in this true Self and God Self experience. It is frightening to believe that the experience of Us is all that sustains you, and to give over to this completely. It takes a deepening of surrender to this truth, and faith, for you to embrace and hold onto, as your reality, the truth that love is all that you need to hold onto. You have, as We have said, been so used to defining your existence from the external, rather than from the internal point of Our light and your higher Self being, that what is required is a leap of faith as well as increasing your experience of attunement to the light. What complicates this matter is that even as you come to remind yourself often of this truth, through your daily meditation experience, this is challenged by the constant reminder of what is not the truth, that prevails in this world that surrounds you. There are constant bombardments from your friends, social, and familial interactions that in some way are all saying, "No, what you need to get is out there…or you have to be this way…like us…be a part of the established way of things." You face such challenges every day, and that is why God has to be your constant companion. You are going to need to come into the internal world often, very often, to keep aligning with the truth, with the loving, and with the light to create a buffer to this false world reality. The preexisting reality is already falling apart, on the collective level, but this has not been fully achieved yet, and so you always need to turn to the Source of your loving, inside of you, and the ever-flowing presence that is God Goddess, that is Our love, and Our light. You have to clear your consciousness, often, of the contamination of thought forms, beliefs, and feelings that prevail and surround you, and indeed to bring into higher consciousness even those very beliefs that you yourself still hold, that magnetize you to the outer-world belief. The best way to clear your energy, of other's thought forms or even your own, is to embrace love, and come into the peaceful and cooling energy of Our all-embracing loving, through your meditation experience. Sanctuary of Love—Meditation As you close your eyes, you imagine the following. Imagine a place, inside of you, that is so filled with light and loving you can hardly believe it. It is a sacred place, very beautiful and light-filled. As you exist there, you soak in the light, the flow of loving, that is here for you. Everything here is illuminated and really very beautiful. You might stay with the feeling energetic or you might imagine a river of light and love flowing through this sacred place—that you can imagine to be any way you want. You sit or stand here, peacefully taking it all in, and it is truly wonderful. You may also open to imaging Our Spirit, of Mother and Father God, here with you. We welcome you to this place, this sacred place of All-That-Is, of eternal love and infinite grace. You may sit with Me, your Divine Mother, and just receive My/Our love. You may rest here, in this realm of infinite love, for as long as you wish. Remember this place is the river from which you drink, the river from which you receive and create everything. It is very important that you drink from this well of the infinite often, as often as you can and in each day if possible, so that you feel and absolutely know for certain that love is always given and here for you and that you have access to it and can receive from it all the time. Everything is love, everything is Spirit. As you receive Our love from within you, as you truly allow yourself to receive Us in this way, then you know that everything else rests in Our hands of light and love's presence, and that everything and you will be fully taken care of for you, in grace. Amen. |
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