Your Emotional CompassThere is a point of light that is a part of My consciousness that exists inside of you. It is the light of truth and loving, and it exists inside of your heart and feeling, energetic centers. Here you can feel Me and know Me, as I exist as a part of you, within this light center. This light is a point, a feeling point, of energy where you can experience and know the truth; it is part of your sensitive heart and soul, where you can always feel and know what is truth. This feeling capacity, of your soul, is your guiding light through the terrain of this world and your own self experience. It navigates the way by telling you, on a feeling level, when something feels right for you and when something does not; in that, it guides the way before you by telling you, through feeling, what, in that moment, feel right for you to do, express or be, in that present moment. This emotional/feeling compass also helps you to navigate through the feeling world of others and the circumstances that surround you. It tells you what, and with whom, it would be optimal for you to interact with or exchange with—on an energetic level (which means who you might work with or exchange information with in some way). You emotional -feeling compass is a guiding light for you in this world; in part it is an inner wisdom laid down in your soul, throughout the ages of your existence as a spiritual being. It holds the collective of your wisdom, as it holds the collective of Our wisdom that always bring to you, through your heart-felt and feeling wisdom, what it is We are guiding you to do and what would be optimum for you in any given day or moment. So, it is the truth, the guide of truth within you, and to honor it and listen to its wisdom can help to ensure a greater sense of peace and harmony in your life. It is also a tool that gives you direction, in that you can use it to help you navigate and know the way on your pathway for your life and existence here on earth. This "truth feeling" ability, as it is used to navigate the world around you, is more evident or easily noticed in those you would call sensitive people, but it exists within all of My soul children, it exists inside of you. It is part of your spiritual navigational system. It is not the only source of navigation for you, but other centers—points of light—within you, often take time to develop, as you progress through your evolvement and opening to love. However, this feeling point of light is apparent even in those who have not, as yet, opened to the development of their light-Self. This psychic ability is innate, in that it exists as part of your soul essence, and it is seen and most apparent in young children, before this gift of sensitivity is covered up by the world thinking—that is often dismissive of such spiritual capacities. Even when the world reality denies this ability, this soul center of feeling continues to operate and exist inside of you; it exists inside of everyone. You could call it your gift of psychic sensitivity, or you could just regard it as a feeling center inside of you that feels the light, feels the Source, within you. This gift operates as a certain kind of "knowingness" regarding your experience, and what you feel in the external world. This navigational tool is very apparent in animals and children, who seem to instinctually know who or what is friendly or unfriendly towards them. This instinct comes from the knowingness of the light that exists inside of this psychic, sensitive feeling gift; it exists within, although through your conditioning you may have learned to ignore or deny it. In you, this tool or ability is given so that it might guide your way, not only to direct you in your life—as you use this tool to feel-out what might be good for you to do, in each day and moment— but to also protect you, as you navigate the arena of this world. You see, there is great deal of unconsciousness on this planet, and those who exist within separation from love and light, exists in a field of energy that contains a great deal of lovelessness. Souls who operate from this state of lovelessness, and "act-out" from this place, do so because they have not known or fully received love for themselves, and this creates all manner of distortions and pain that leads them to behave in loveless ways. There are varying degrees of this, of course, that I am sure are apparent to you through your experience in this world. Those who "have not love" express their need, fear, and pain around this in ways that reflect the emptiness within them and what they have told themselves about this. Often, such expressions arise from their own shielding of the "bad" feeling they have about themselves. Some people "act-in" their feelings by turning the experience of being without love against themselves, while others take these painful thoughts and unconsciousness feelings out on others, through projection and the expression of actions and words that are aggressive, or seemingly mean, in nature. So, all this collective lovelessness resides on this earth plane to varying degrees, and everyone, in separation consciousness, has experienced this, and all have an opportunity to heal from the separation from love. However, there are those who have been harmed so much through this experience that their denial lies very deep inside of them, and they are the souls who often "act-out" their pain and experience the most. Even as this loveless experience exists on your earth planet, it is largely unconscious and so the adage "forgive them for they known not what they do" applies, because largely those who behave in such loveless ways are not aware of it. They are not aware of their pain and why they behave in certain ways; such acts of cruelty or unfairness are largely unconscious. We, your Divine Father and I, do not judge behavior that results from the experience of being separate from love. In fact, We do not judge anything at all because We see all imbalance as a "sickness" that exists on a level of consciousness that has felt deprived of love—even in those who seem fully conscious and aware of what they are doing. We do know that because you exist in this world, of such distortions, you need to be able to navigate through this world—with all of this unconscious pain and loveless experience. This is why We have given you your emotional compass, which is this point of intuitive feeling light within you, and this is given to help guide your way. The emotional compass tells you the truth and it's light helps to navigate you through the unconscious world. Its light shines to show you the truth and this is experienced in your feeling centers and heart; it tells you what does not feel good to you and that, at this particular time, you need to stay away from. This light also attracts you to things that are light-filled and and that feel good to you—in terms of something you feel resonates for you, something that feels right. This guidance system often operates more unconsciously than consciousness, in most people, and this makes it hard to define it beyond acknowledging it as an instinct that moves through you, to give you information about something in your external world. However, this "instinct" is sufficient in order for you to make use of this tool and to use its guidance system in your life. So, your emotional compass is a point of light inside of you, it is a part of My light that moves within you and through you; it helps you to navigate your way through this world. It operates most accurately as the initial instinctual impression you feel when you meet something, or someone, new in your life. Such instances are devoid of other emotional or psychological content or association, that you might otherwise feel with people you already know, and therefore the "instinctual read" on unknown or new situations can be more accurate because it is based on intuition alone. As you develop, you will be able to use this gift accurately with all circumstances and people in your life—feeling the terrain and emotional state of other, in the moment, in order to assist you with your interaction with those people you already know. Until that occurs this emotional compass tool is best used to help navigate you on your voyage through unknown territory—of new people or new experience. |
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