(Use of Your Emotional Compass for Healing. Includes a guided meditation.)
The soul-light of your emotional compass—intuition—can shine and navigate you through the external world; this light can also illuminate and point the way through the internal world of healing.
As you have experienced lovelessness in this world, as all souls have to varying degrees, then this has wounded you. The greater the degree of lovelessness, unkindness, rejection, or even cruelty that you have experienced then the greater the shame will be that you feel and are holding around this. Shame is created in the presence of lovelessness because when an experience is so painful for you then you have the tendency to turn it within and against yourself, feeling that you are at fault for this experience. This is because there is a tendency within everyone, as small children, to feel that the world revolves around them; children truly are, in the purest sense, self-centered because of the naivete about the world—basically they are developmentally unable to conceive of external causes for events and other's behaviors. So, there is a tendency in most people to internalize, or take in, the shaming or shamefulness of external events that have not felt good at all, at the least, and have been damaging or traumatizing in the worst scenarios.
Such pain is unable to be held at the conscious level, and so it becomes buried deeply in the unconscious. It is on these deep levels of the soul and emotional body that this pain hides, and it is waiting to be loved, reclaimed, and healed.
Your emotional "light-filled" compass can help you to navigate this unconscious world within you and bring light into the darkness (unconscious), and bring loving into the places that have experienced lovelessness, and thereby heal within you that which so needs to come home to love.
It is important to bring healing to these places inside of you because even though they are unconscious they do continue to operate in your existence and your life, and these conditions of pain keep you from receiving the love, happiness, and peace that you so truly deserve.
So, let us turn this soul light towards that place where your pain, of your experience in this world, has become hidden. And together we can walk within this landscape and allow your emotional compass to show us the way and bring love to those places that have not received this, or have experienced the antithesis of this, from this world.
Your Emotional Compass (Meditation)
Imagine that you are an adventurer on a journey, a journey of the soul. Your purpose is to come to those places within you where you are the most hurt and where you are "in hiding."
Imagine a landscape such as this, perhaps you see yourself in travel clothes with this compass in your hand. You might imagine that the terrain is difficult for you in parts, or it may be easy. The terrain may be barren and desolate, at certain points of the journey, or it may be luscious. The landscape may change, as you take this journey through this imaginary landscape of being. Your internal compass, which you are imaging yourself carrying, is your guide; it connects you to My heart and your own inner wisdom and guidance.
So, let us imagine now that you begin to travel and take this journey. You follow a pathway before you and you open your awareness to everything that you see in this imaginary environment, for everything serves as a metaphor, for your soul healing journey. Even plants and flowers, birds and animals, serve as symbols or messages from your soul, regarding your soul awakening.
What do you see? What arises into your awareness and imagination, as a symbol or metaphor, to provide you with information? How do you feel about the things that you see? Perhaps you could ask these animate or inanimate objects what they represent and what information they wish to provide, to assist you in your healing and the discovery of your truth.
(Leave yourself plenty of time to reflect and ask these questions. This is not about the getting to any final point; it is a process, it is all about the journey, and you are going to take this journey and explore this landscape many times—in your process of healing the emotional body.)
In this imaginary environment, you now notice your compass in your hand and its arrow is turning and changing direction. It is pointing to one of the places, in this landscape, that a wounded soul aspect is hiding and is afraid, or too shamed, to come out and be seen. So, imagine yourself following your compass point, that is directing you towards a place in this imaginary landscape, a location where you feel that soul aspect is residing.
It is important to not confront that soul aspect directly, but to take an indirect and gentle approach. So, with love and gentleness you now sit close by, and be still and quiet.
Then, in the deepest places of your heart, of your loving and of your light, you call to the wounded soul. You tell them, with gentleness and with love, that you want to meet with them, as you care for them very much. In your heart you tell them that you will love them no matter how they seem or appear, no matter what they think of themselves. Invite them to come and sit beside you.
(When your wounded soul aspect appears, it may appear with some distortion, either physically or in some other way. They may even not seem human at all. Whatever way they appear represents their state of wounding. Just be patient and wait until they appear to you.)
You imagine that they come forward now; this may be a traumatized part of yourself, so patience and love is needed. When they appear, let them approach you and then invite them to sit with you for a while and talk with you. They may share with you how they have experience themselves and their life, or they may just sit with you for a little while… They can talk about and share whatever it is they want to. Just be present with them and listen…
After you have identified this soul aspect and talked with them for a while, invite them to sit upon your lap, if they will come to you in that way, and soothe them, rock them, nurse them, and let them know your love. If it is difficult for them to accept this right away then that’s all right; just be present with them, sing them a lullaby, or simply tell them: you are here to love them and that together, over time, you will heal them and they will be increasingly able to take in you, and Spirit's, love.
You now image Me, the Divine Mother, with you. I will help you and this soul aspect to see and to know that they have My love and are deserving of it. I will share with them, in some way, that it is all right for them to come to Me, for they are, you are, My angel. You are My daughter/son of Creation. You are everything to Me and I love every aspect of your soul, including those parts that are in the most pain, the most difficulty, and the most struggle. Know that I can take My time in healing you, in loving you, and bringing you into wholeness. There is plenty of time for all the healing to occur.
So, when you feel that it is time to end this journey, healing experience, tell your inner child that they will remain in your heart, and within My presence, until you visit with them again. When you feel ready you will allow yourself to leave this landscape, while knowing that this field of energy, this landscape of soul healing, is a place that is here for you to come to and heal your deepest wounds and your fear, and receive love.
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