The Gold Capped Mountain
Journey to God-Self Realization
The gold capped mountain shines within the Sun of Our light, that illuminates the "gold" of the Spirit within you. This golden pinnacle is the Self that is realized, within Our love, in its wholeness and completeness. This Self has embraced itself so completely that it allows the fullness of Our light to shine through its consciousness, unhindered by an old reality that would guard the gate of this Self's receiving.
This mountain of the ascended Self, depicts, of course, the terrain within you. It follows an inward journey, through which everything—that is you—is realized in love, and where no part is held separate from this Spirit that unfolds you, embraces, and opens you to the fullness of Our love. While Our love is always present for you, at every stage of your development, it is not always able to be fully received by you, without some degree of opening to love for the self, first.
Love is the pinnacle that may be reached as you make your way through your ascension experience. Every road, every path, that leads to such an ascent, is different for every soul on this planet, however, each path is marked by certain similarities of internal and external experience, that We would now like to address.
As you begin your ascent, it seems that the distance to the peak—of fully receiving Our love—is so far to travel. Yet, you can begin this journey by taking a few simple steps, that are marked before you.
The first step is to bring loving to whatever is your present experience, your self-experience and your emotional experience. Love is the great transmuting and transforming force within Our Creation, just as it is the transforming force within consciousness. Love is the alchemical principle that turns the base metals of separation consciousness—the reality operating on this planet and within your selves—into the gold of the Spirit, that marks the pinnacle of your ascension experience.
As you can embrace "what is" and all that you are feeling, you offer to the inner soul-child the elixir of Our gold, of Our love, and your own loving. Any attempt to push away feelings, blocks the reception of self-love and keeps your feelings and energy in their current state, and you may find that you circle the base of this mountain of your experience in repetitive motions, where you continually circle the same emotional and life terrain. There is no judgement leveled here, regarding this process.
To be present with your feelings and self, does not mean that you have to love your present circumstance or even love being in the experience of emotional disturbance. To be present with "what is" is to accept, listen to, and feel what you are feeling, and offer loving to yourself even while you are having this experience. As you accept feelings and allow them, this offers them the opportunity to change.
As you become present with "what is" inside of you, then your field of energy opens to allow the first rays of Our light to enter into you, touch you, and tell you that all is well and that you ARE loved for simply being, for simply being all that you already are.
Through such reception to this "first light" of Our love, a new Self is born and begins to emerge in your conscious awareness. This light, Our light of love, has always been here for you, and it is unconditional.
At this level of "first awakening," those thoughts and feelings—of unworthiness and undeserving—that have previously barred the way to receiving, are opened to loving. As this occurs, Our love and consciousness moves into you and continues the process of healing.
Loving is the key that opens the door within you; your loving for yourself opens the way for the floodgates of heaven to open and its light to flow into you and transform all that is you, including the feelings that you are not enough to receive heaven, to receive Our deepest love. As the process of accepting Our light, expands, so the terrain of your life and your process becomes far easier.
The next part of this journey is marked by opening to Us, to Our Divine Spirit, in its entirety. As you come to know the deep communion with Our Spirit, through daily meditation, you connect to Our truth within you, and this navigates the rest of way. As you connect to Us you can begin to feel what living within Our light—in All of its completeness—will be like. Through this spiritual communion, you gain insight into your Self development and existence, that is simply to experience living within Our light of love, All the time. Each experience of connecting to Us gives you a taste of golden Sun that shines at the peak of the mountain—where your God Goddess Self is realized.....
Even though, as We have said, the pathway for each soul is different, one common experience, on the terrain of your ascent, is that the false reality begins to fall from your eyes. Through your inner transformation, of opening to Our light, you begin to see through the mist of illusion—that binds this world consciousness to external forms. Part of the illusion perpetuates the idea that physical forms and external existence are the source of your sustainment—meeting physical and emotional needs. This illusion shatters, as you realize that Our Source of loving and light IS your true Source.
As your Self-love expands, you find that you no longer wish for that old level of reality and existence to be your experience. Be it through conscious choice or the unconscious effect, of the inner shift in your reality, the external that no longer fits for you—no longer vibrates on a similar frequency to your emerging Self—will fall away.
You may experience, through this process awakening, a sense of void and thus a sense of vulnerability, as those things that you once adhere to, or clung to, for support, are no longer available. Again, it may seem as if externals are falling apart, when in actuality a deep sense of choice is being made on a soul and Self level. Change occurs as your light Self can no longer tolerate carrying the old reality, on this new journey of awakening to light and love.
The answer and way through this temporary disruption, in life and self, is to sink deeply into Our loving, and in so doing, you realize that We are here to sustain you. We are the Source of everything for you, on your path and on every level of your being.
Your previous sense of lack, that kept you bound to having unmet needs met by the external, was based on a sense of separation from the true Source—that is Our love. However, as you find your way home into Our love, Our truth, and Our light, that sense of lack and fear gradually dissolves; you find your replacement, for love and everything else that you need, within Us.
This depicts some of the terrain and experience that you may find on your path towards the realization of Our Sun, Our light, that shines and illuminates the God Self that IS the golden cap of this mountain of your ascension.
This process of personal spiritual transformation is also mirrored in the world's transformation, that is occurring at this time. The collective consciousness is also finding that it cannot continue to exist in that old reality, any more, and so forms are breaking apart so that new ways of being can emerge. The outer forms, that the world has used to sustain itself, are breaking apart, so that a new level of reality can be embraced and the true Source of All sustainment—that is Spirit, that is light—can be realized. Even the earth herself, that has held the reality and energy field of humankind's separation consciousness, is cleansing herself and releasing the "feelings" that she has held for the collective.
As within, so without, as above, so below.
Humankind is being shaken, sometimes with softness and sometimes a little more vehemently, but always with Our love present. This awakening, on the individual and on the collective level, is occurring so that you can look upon what has been your existence—a reality based on the separation from Our love—and can see that it "just will not do, any more."
You will see how this false reality does not serve the individual, just as it does not serve the collective. This is why We are shining Our Sun of love into all of those parts and place, and peoples, who will but turn towards Us, turn towards Our love, and see that this "Divine Sun," holds All the answers.
So blessed be on your continued journey, on the path of your ascension, where living in the presence of each new moment, in Our love and peace, is the way you now walk.