Featured Article
This Is
"A Time of Change"
This is a time of change, where a shift of perception is occurring and called for. It is a time for Universal Law to be more fully integrated on this earth planet, and this change requires everyone to shift from one paradigm to the next—to this new paradigm of a Spirit-based realty.
The door is closing on the old way of seeing things, that is a world view of reality where the physical is all that is seen as real and this includes the physical laws that govern that reality. The door is closing on this world view, as this ignores what lies behind this existence—that you and this world have known. What has been ignored is the unseen world, the Spiritual dimension that sustains, supports, and creates every form that you see from the atom to the material/monitary structures of your world. This spiritual dimension also creates your human form and all that it creates and manifests through this Spirit—that is Everything.
The world constructs are breaking apart for they cannot uphold their falsehood, and the constructs of reality that have sustained them—that are false—are also falling, (and what is left is only the truth of the Spirit, because only Spirit truly exists, within everything.
This breaking apart of existing form and reality is occuring not because of any punishment on Our part, it is simply because: that which is false, which is temporal, cannot endure, and that which is born of light of truth and exists as light reality can ONLY be that which endures and can continue to exist on the new level of life and reality on this planet—and that reality is the Law of Spirit.
You see this shift occuring as the field of light in the Self, and in the energy field of the collective, begins to open and begins to receive this truth. As light enters into consciousness, it shakes loose and breaks apart all the old structures that are a delusion. The collective delusion, of a false reality, is based on a fear and belief that you are only form, and that this world is only amass of form and physical structure, and so it is only the physical that you can rely on. This mass delusion does not consider that it is Spirit that creates and holds structure—all matter—together. Spirit is the basis of EVERYTHING; Spirit is the energetic and light that brings all the particles of matter together, and so it is Spirit that holds this world together. Without Spirit the physical would quite literally fall into a mass of nothingness. Although this new paradigm and shift would not intend and create such a mass destruction, what it is doing is creating a transformation to take place on the subtle levels of matter and consciousness.
This new paradigm is created as you realize that the physical holds no substance, in and of itself. The physical (the world of form and structure) and its reality cannot and does not endure in any kind of consistent state, not any more, and it has become highly changeable, now moreso than ever before. The acceleration of energies are taking place, as Our light and intense energies of love and light are being poured into the consciousness of your world, and your collective way of being and view of reality; this is changing everything. This light-energy is creating a breakdown point of illusion in the collective consciousness, and what remains and held as the only constant is, and can only be, this light, this light of your Spirit and the light that is the Spirit of All-That-Is.
As a result of this influx of Our energy, the truth of Spirit is becoming recognized. The breaking down of that which is based on a paradigm that ignores this, and sees itself as reliant on physical form alone, is dissolving or becoming increasing unstable so that you, as a collective, can see how matter, alone, has no substance. It has no endurance and cannot withstand the changing tide. It is only Spirit that endures because only Spirit truly exists. Therefore, that which is based on the Law that is of Spirit will endure, for it rests on love, on truth; it rests within the timelessness of the eternal. It rests in the arms of God, The Mother Spirit, The Eternal ALL.
That which exists inside of you, and all things, at its core, is of Spirit. It will endure beyond all that this temporal (physical) world creates as its experience, and this includes the experience of the small (conditioned) self. This Spirit is the eternal within you, and its light continues to exist and is continually renewing and transforming itself. It expresses this, in part, through the mirror of that which it creates in matter. Matter, and the external, is however just a glimmer; it is a momentary reflection of this truth that the Spirit emanates and expresses in any given instant. As your Self accelerates it energy, its frequency, as you receive light in your consciousness and frequency from the ONE SPIRIT OF ALL, then your Spirit creates change, at your core; as this occurs it becomes necessary for outward distortions and expressions in form, to also change. Form changes its frequency in a different way (slower way) than Spirit. Spirit is exceedingly fluid, because it exists in energy only. In order for matter to change, its form, it must first break apart to allow for new form to be created—through the energy of the Spirit. It is quite easy for Spirit to shift and reshape its energetic form, however, it is not always so easy for physical matter, and its manifestations, to follow suit. However, through the increase in energy now being received on this planet, radical shifts are occuring in the physical world, and in your lives.
This, in part, explains why things have become so unstable on this planet. It is because Spirit is evolving so fast, in frequency, that the shapes and forms in the physical world are radically changing, falling apart, and unable to sustain you—in and of themselves. They are changing so that they can match the increasing frequency of Spirit within them. It is only the Spirit that can sustain things through its love, through its communion with the Divine of the ALL-ONE SPIRIT that is of love, and that is the foundation-stone of everything that you are; this is the foundation-stone of the new paradigm that is forming and that you each are learning to live by. This new paradigm is based on living within the Law of Spirit, the energetic, love-filled, light-filled essence at the center of All-That-Is.